Monday, December 17, 2018

Studio Level Terrain Packs... Late Pledges are Available Now

Studio Level ran a successful themed terrain Kickstarter is now open for late pledges. I hope that they continue to do themed boards like this one and if you missed this one, here is a chance to get in on the Gardbuk Shrine terrain set.

Late Pledges Happen Here at this Link

The GÅRDBÛK Shrine - it's a mysterious ruin with arcane,  esoteric  history.  Story tells of few beings who have returned from this frozen hell on earth, it seems that the souls of the ancient rulers live within its walls. Each of them must pay the debt to their god GARDBUK for the gift of afterlife, guard the secrets of their Lord's temple from dusk to dawn and kill all daredevils who cross the frozen Bugk river.  Only those whoare foolish enoughor extremely bold toapproach the ruins deliberately, others only when they get lost in this extreme nature ice-bound and snow-covered forest wild.

Would you dare to learn the secrets of Gardbuk? Will you risk the lives of your soldiers to get to know secrets hidden in the stone cellars of the ruins? Would you fight an epic battle with  ther daredevils who want to find this place , or are you just looking for wargaming winter terrain and frosty scenery?  If the latter is true, The Gardbuk Shrine is definitely for you.

Build your dream tabletop game board today with this high resolution, premium printed mousepad gamemat and epic, handcrafted, fully painted StudioLevel terrain system.