Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Last Chance for the Dance of the Deviant Packs

Yscarloth is still available for a short time only was not only on my short list to pick up due to just how cool this model is, but will be the centerpiece of a new faction I am building for the Genesys Project. She makes a great Paragon for the Fey, and is even without The Genesys Project, is simply an amazing sculpt I was not going to pass up on the chance to order.

EXCLUSIVE Dance of the Deviant GATHERING (LE - FANTASY) (incl. Yscarloth)

Arthenya VI, The Archpapess (Sisters - SF)

Altar of the Succubi (DE - F)

via Raging Heroes

Dance of the Deviant Packs 

featuring Yscarloth
🎄 Get the Lust Elves under the tree! 🎄


Who is Arthenya VI?

In this video, Raging Heroes' Art Director Benoit Guerville tells you more about Arthenya VI, the Sisters' Archpapess, sharing background and stories from the TGG universe! 
The biggest release of the month launched with 15% off:

Altar of the Succubi

Just a reminder about this huge one that just came out, in case you'd like to take advantage of the launch price before Christmas