Sunday, December 23, 2018

January White Dwarf.... New Kill Team Faction, New Rules, and a New Look!

White Dwarf is getting a makeover and will include new rules for the Age of Sigmar and the best part Imho.......... a new Kill Team Faction.

via the Warhammer Community
That’s right, folks – 2019 will herald the arrival of a new-look White Dwarf.
We’ve been listening to your feedback and have taken everything on board, redesigning the magazine to give you more of what you’ve asked for. This includes new rules and background as well as guest columns.
Well, starting from January’s issue, you’ll be treated to an extravaganza of all this and more, including new rules for Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Skirmish, new fiction and even a new Faction for Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team!
We’re so excited about what the new White Dwarf has to offer that we created a video all about it:

Of course, not everything is new – White Dwarf will still feature many of your favourite regular articles, such as Readers’ Models (including our Reader’s Model of the Month), Contact (with Ask Grombrindal), Illuminations, Golden Demon winners, army showcases, Battle Reports and more besides. It’s the essential magazine for hobbyists of every persuasion and experience level.
Here’s the cover of January’s issue, complete with hints about what you’ll find within its pages:
Subscribers of White Dwarf will also notice another perk beyond receiving their copy a few days early – their magazines have an exclusive cover! One for collectors everywhere, you’ll be able to see the full-cover art of each issue in all its glory. Even the White Dwarf logo itself is applied as a transparent gloss layer to ensure full visibility of the artwork. Behold its magnificence…
If you’re as excited as us about what lies in store for the ultimate Warhammer magazine, now is the best time to subscribe to ensure you gain the full benefits right from the start. Head here to subscribe and January’s issue will be on its way before you even know it! We’ve got some more specific previews to come next week, so keep an eye out for more details soon.

Here from MiniWars they slowed down some of the images so you can see more of what is on those pages.