Friday, July 27, 2018

What's On Your Table: Shysh Sylvaneth, Jungle Goblins and Ironskull's Boys

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Hi, thought I’d share some slightly burry images of my Sylvaneth and Jungle Goblin armies in progress and my Underworlds team – Ironskull’s Boys.
Thanks for looking and critique is greatly appreciated.


My Shysh Sylvaneth. I didn’t want to do something too conventional with them, but also didn’t want to really stretch any concepts or my painting skill, so I went with the simple idea of “opposites”.  Just as in any other realm, I couldn’t imagine the tress of Shysh rest quietly and liked the idea of a Necromancer tying the spirits up into trees as hosts, rather than full bodied skeletons.  I’ve tired to paint the bases like its all been inverted and gave the models a slightly lazy “glow” effect with blues.

My Jungle Goblins -
I had to adjust the legs on the spiders.  They worked with square bases to get into rank and file, but that wasn’t going to fly when I had an oval base.  I wanted them to look lush, as if they were in a jungle, rather than a forest.  The insects all come from the Sylvaneth kits.  I don’t usually go crazy on bases – I tend to just put some sand down and paint it browns and put a little grass on, but I felt I had the room (and desire) to put more effort in for once.

Ironskull’s Boys.  Firstly – Shadespire is an awesome game.  Secondly – I love greenskins and thirdly… these models are excellent.  Full of all the character I expect from a GW Orc, but without being totally over the top.

And yes, I cheated by removing most of the greys from my lightbox with a magic wand. :P