Saturday, March 24, 2018

Battle Report (Orks vs Crimson Fists)

A fun battle report as always by SN Battle Reports

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Battle Report (Orks vs Crimson Fists)
Mission: Retrieval Mission
Points: 2000
Deployment: Dawn ofWar

By SN Team - 17th March
Click. The unthinkable had happened. Brother Ybanez pulled the trigger of his Godwin pattern boltgun again with the same disappointing non-result. “Stoppage!” He roared as he cocked his weapons bolt to clear the jammed round but the enemy was upon him. He drew his chainsword and bisected the first greenskin brute that vaulted over the makeshift rampart made of its deceased kin that surrounded Ybanez and now reached almost to his chest. Another Ork followed the first, roaring it’s hatred even as Ybanez rammed his weapon through its chest. The chainsword spluttered and it’s whirring teeth ground to a halt, days of constant use had gummed up its gears with Orky viscera.

Thinking fast Ybanez swung the idle weapon and the corpse impaled by it took the full force of several slugs fired at him by more boyz heading in his direction. The fat rounds made wet slapping sounds as they impacted Ybanez’s impromptu corpse-shield. Another came at him from the opposite side, clambering over the wall of the dead, his choppa lifted high to deliver a killing blow. Ybanez headbutted the brute before the blow could fall and noted with satisfaction the crack of the Orks skull as it split. Ork bone was hard but ceramite was harder. Having won himself some space he retrieved his bolter and expertly applied judicious overkill to the remaining xenos in his immediate vicinity. Nine days of constant action. Nine days of barely staving off total defeat. Nine days of glory for his chapter, his Primarch and The Emperor. “As long as a single Crimson Fist draws breath you shall not know victory!” he bellowed.
His challenge was answered by a roar of feral rage that issued forth from what seemed like a million Orks. Ybanez raised his boltgun to his shoulder and prepared to add to his tally of kills. Click. With a realisation as close to horror that an Astartes could feel he realised he was out of ammunition. His lifeless chainsword lay useless at his feet. Ybanez balled his fists and fell into the first stance of unarmed combat. Before the day was out there would be more than just crimson paint on his fists.

++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Imperium – Space Marines) ++
**Chapter Selection** : Crimson Fists
+ HQ +
Captain in Terminator Armor: Power fist, Storm shield, The Fist of Vengeance
Pedro Kantor

+ Troops +
Scout Squad: 5x Camo cloak
. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Sniper rifle
. 4x Scout w/Sniper Rifle: 4x Sniper rifle

Tactical Squad
. 5x Space Marine
. Space Marine Sergeant: Boltgun, Power fist
. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolter

Tactical Squad
. 6x Space Marine
. Space Marine Sergeant: Boltgun, Power fist
. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolter

Tactical Squad
. 3x Space Marine
. Space Marine Sergeant: Boltgun, Power fist
. Space Marine w/Special Weapon: Plasma gun

+ Elites +
Terminator Assault Squad
. Terminator Sergeant
. . Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield: Storm shield, Thunder hammer
. 4x Terminator w/THSS: 4x Storm shield, 4x Thunder hammer

Terminator Squad
. Terminator Sergeant: Power sword, Storm bolter
. Terminator w/Heavy Weapon: Assault cannon, Power fist
. 3x Terminator w/PF: 3x Power fist, 3x Storm bolter

+ Heavy Support +
Land Raider Redeemer: 2x Flamestorm cannon, Twin assault cannon

Relic Leviathan Dreadnought: Cyclonic melta lance, 2x Heavy flamer
. Leviathan siege drill: Meltagun

+ Dedicated Transport +

Razorback: Twin lascannon

++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Orks) ++
+ HQ +
Big Mek: Choppa, Grot Oiler, Kustom Force Field

+ Heavy Support +

Mek Gunz
. Gun: 5x Grot Gunner, Kustom Mega Kannon

Mek Gunz
. Gun: 5x Grot Gunner, Kustom Mega Kannon

Mek Gunz
. Gun: 5x Grot Gunner, Kustom Mega Kannon

++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Orks) ++

+ HQ +
Warboss: Attack Squig, Big Choppa, Kustom Shoota

+ Heavy Support +

Big Gunz
. Gun: 2x Grot Gunner, Kannon

Big Gunz
. Gun: 2x Grot Gunner, Kannon

Big Gunz
. Gun: 2x Grot Gunner, Kannon

++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Orks) ++

+ HQ +
Ghazghkull Thraka: Might is Right, Warlord

Weirdboy: 3. Da Jump

+ Troops +
. Boss Nob: Power Klaw, Shoota
. Ork Boy W/ ‘Eavy Weapon: Big Shoota
. Ork Boy W/ ‘Eavy Weapon: Big Shoota
. 27x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa

. Boss Nob: Power Klaw, Shoota
. 29x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa

. Boss Nob: Power Klaw, Shoota
. Ork Boy W/ ‘Eavy Weapon: Rokkit Launcha
. 18x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa

. Boss Nob: Power Klaw, Shoota
. Ork Boy W/ ‘Eavy Weapon: Big Shoota
. Ork Boy W/ ‘Eavy Weapon: Big Shoota
. 27x Ork Boy W/ Shoota

+ Elites +
. Boss Meganob w/ PK: Kustom Shoota, Power Klaw
. Meganob W/ PK: Kustom Shoota, Power Klaw
. Meganob W/ PK: Kustom Shoota, Power Klaw

Nob with Waaagh! Banner: Kustom Shoota

Painboy: Grot Orderly, Killsaw

+ Heavy Support +
Gorkanaut: 2x Rokkit Launcha, Skorcha, 2x Twin Big Shoota

Gorkanaut: 2x Rokkit Launcha, Skorcha, 2x Twin Big Shoota

Make certain to check out all the pics from this report by visiting SN Battle Reports

Hello all and welcome to yet another fantastic battle report by the SN Team with Chris piloting the Crimson Fists and a special guest from Spain, Kini, who has brought along his fantastic Ork army! The ruins of a city, set within barren terrain, is prepared as the battlefield by the Team in what looks to be an epic battle! Also, we have two newly painted units for the Crimson Fists; a Leviathan Dreadnought and the Chapter Master himself, Pedro Kantor! With those announcements done, let’s get this show on the road!

And here we see the objectives used for the game today! Fitting for an Ork army, pieces of weaponry and gear which the Orks will find some use for scatter the battlefield as they attempt to take them. The Space Marines are simply attempting to capture them in order for the Orks not to have them, lest they find a way to incorporate into diabolic weapons…

And the deployment begins! Chris lines up his Tactical Marines, their trained eyes aiming down the sights of their Bolters as they prepare to face the Green Tide!

The patient Scouts quietly climb atop the ruins of one of the buildings. The location having being picked out days in advance, they quickly assume their positions, eagerly waiting for the appearance of the Orks, looking to suppress them from afar.

Alongside the Tactical Marines stands the resolute Leviathan Dreadnought, along with a Land Raider Redeemer, the Leviathan’s Siege Drill fired up as it looks to chew through the Ork army!

Over on the other side of the battlefield sees a completely different scene. A stark contrast between the calm and composed Space Marines and the loud, brash Orks. The sound of Choppa meeting Slugga rings louder and louder as they near the Adeptus Astartes!

The hordes of Orks split apart and look upwards, as the clumsy Gorkanaut makes its way through the masses of green aliens, its large Klaw of Gork raring to tear through flesh and armour alike.

With both sides deployed, the players rolled off, Chris having that +1 for deploying first! However, despite the +1, Kini manages to take the turn. Not what Chris was expecting, he attempts to seize the initiative….. And he succeeds! Let’s see if Chris can make the most of grabbing a hold of the first turn!

Turn 1 (Crimson Fists)
The Crimson Fist forces begin to advance, looking to get into range of the Orks, as they attempt to thin the swarms as soon as possible.

Turn 1 (Crimson Fists)
The Leviathan Dreadnought also moves up, looking to begin firing this turn, Unfortunately for Chris however, the Dreadnought’s weapons cannot reach due to not having enough range. He is however, just out of range of any Orks next turn, meaning he will get at least one turn of shooting with the Leviathan before being locked into combat.

Turn 1 (Crimson Fists)
The Tactical Marines begin to move through the archways within the ruins, looking for a vantage point to fire at the Orks. They then fire at the nearest unit of Ork Boyz, as two of them fall to Bolter fire.

Turn 1 (Crimson Fists)
With a flash of bright light and a crackling sound similar to thunder, the unit of Terminators arrive with Teleport Strike, sights aimed at the unit of Boyz. Armed with Storm Bolters, they open fire at the tough yet lightly armoured Orks, slaying another 8 of them.

Turn 1 (Crimson Fists)
The Terminators then choose to assault the Ork boys, in hopes of removing the majority of the squad. Chris however, rolls a 3 to charge, failing. The Orks also fire during Overwatch, with 3 wounds going through. Chris, with some unfortunate rolling, gets two 1’s, killing off one Terminator!

Turn 1 (Orks)
The Orks waste no time rushing towards the Crimson Fists, Choppas gripped tightly in their hands as they launch themselves towards the Space Marines.

Turn 1 (Orks)
Almost endless numbers of Greenskins run through the ruinous city, the roar emitting from the Orks growing louder and louder as they near the Space Marines. Through the tightly spaced buildings, large crowds of Orks push and shove each other, each of them looking to reach the fray first!

Turn 1 (Orks)
The Weirdboy surrounded by the Orks begins to manifest his psychic powers, letting out an almost shamanistic chant as he does so. He successfully casts Da Jump, allowing the Ork Boyz unit nearest to him to vanish in the blink of an eye, only to re-emerge somewhere else on the battlefield instantaneously! However, the Waaagh! Energy proves to be too powerful, as Da Jump tears the fabric of reality. The Orks arrive at their new destination, but take one casualty in the process. A small price to pay for some fightin’!

Turn 1 (Orks)
The Crimson Fists notice that the roaring sound of Orks shifts, now coming from their right side. Between a giant rock and a ruined building, appear an entire unit of Ork Boyz, ready to outflank the Space Marines!

Turn 1 (Orks)
The sound of Grots bickering among themselves regarding the way in which the Kustom Mega Kannon works overpowers that of even the nearby Orks. However, after a moment, they focus their sights on the Leviathan Dreadnought. The Kannons are powered up and fire at Dreadnought, the powerful Ork weaponry piercing through one of the side armour panels of the Dreadnought, dealing 6 wounds in the process. However, due to one of the Kannons rolling a 1 to hit on one occasion, the Mek Gun suffers a mortal wound!

Turn 1 (Orks)
Next to shoot is the Gorkanaut. The menacing Ork walker towers above the Dreadnought, again, setting its sights on it, unloading its mass array of weaponry into it. However, in true Ork fashion, the Gorkanaut fails to hit with any of its weapons!

Turn 1 (Orks)
A unit of Ork Boyz who recently turned their attention to the Deep Striking Terminator unit do not hesitate to rush into them, letting out all forms of screams and shouts, accompanied by profanity, as they successfully charge into the Terminators. The stalwart Marines hold their ground and on order of their Captain, unleash a volley of Storm Bolter fire, managing to fell 3 Orks before they reach them in combat!

Turn 1 (Orks)
The unit of Orks teleported by Da Jump find themselves in combat just as quickly as they were transported. The Tactical Marines, startled, fail to keep to keep composed as they are charged by a wave of Orks, failing to wound any in the overwatch. The mass of green stampedes through the Tactical Marines, making light work of them as their Choppas hack and cleave into the power armour clad Marines before turning their attention to the Razorback and consolidating into it, leaving behind a bloody mess of wretched and twisted bodies.

Turn 1 (Orks)
Chris then opts to use up 2 Command Points in order to attack before the Ork Boyz, looking to lighten the incoming blow. The powerful Terminators manage to kill off 6 Orks before they fight back. However, 6 casualties isn’t enough, as the Orks replicate the scenario with the Tactical Marines, killing off the Terminators with ease before turning their attention to the Captain and dealing a further 3 wounds to him!

Turn 2 (Crimson Fists)
With an unfortunate last turn for the Crimson Fists, losing two entire units in combat, Pedro Kantor and his retinue of Assault Terminators enter the fray. The proud Chapter Master donning a Crimson Fist flag on his power pack! This model is still so awesome, and what an amazing paint job too!

Turn 2 (Crimson Fists)
The already damaged Dreadnought now looks to exact its vengeance. Targeting the Gorkanaut, the Dreadnought fires its Cyclonic Melta Lance, along with its Meltagun. The fusion powered weaponry melting through the Gorkanaut’s makeshift armour panelling, dealing a 8 wounds to the gigantic walker!

Turn 2 (Crimson Fists)
A brave combat squad of Space Marines flank the Ork Boyz facing Pedro Kantor, firing their Boltguns and Plasma Gun into them, they kill off 5 more Ork Boyz. Whilst not a large number, they are slowly being thinned!

Turn 2 (Crimson Fists)
The Scout Sergeant marks the Ork Warlord, Ghazghkull Thraka. Killing off the Ork Warlord would mean dealing a significant blow to the enemy forces. The Scouts all take aim, their shots land with ease on the huge Ork Warboss, however, they not manage to wound him, as the bullets simply ricochet right off of him.

Here we see a general overview of how the board is looking! The Space Marines are heavily outnumbered by the Orks. With Ork units now flanking the Space Marines, Chris is going to have to think hard about how he approaches the rest of this game, as the Ork’s only plan is to charge ahead and reach combat!

Turn 2 (Crimson Fists)
Heroically, Pedro Kantor and his Assault Terminator unit charge head on into the Ork Boyz. Power Fist tightly clasped, he reaches the Orks, slamming into multiple Boyz, the heavy impact causing them to burst instantly, as their remnants fall to the ground. The Terminators follow suit and between both Pedro and the Terminators, they manage to kill off the entirety of the Ork Boyz squad, leaving only the Nob standing! That’s the sort of swing that Chris needed to turn things back in his favour!

Turn 2 (Crimson Fists)
Following up on what has been an incredibly successful combat turn for Chris and his Crimson Fists so far, the Leviathan Dreadnought rushes into combat with the already wounded Gorkanaut. The Gorkanaut fires during Overwatch, however, the melta damage taken earlier proved too much, as the molten material begins to set within the Gorkanaut, welding its hinges and components together. The Leviathan Dreadnought charges right in, slamming its Leviathan Siege Drill into the centre of the Gorkanaut, the razor sharp edges slicing right through the midsection of the hulking machine with ease, as it fights its way through to the major internal components within the Gorkanaut. Explosions fire off within, as the giant monstrosity is removed from play! What looked like a good turn for the Crimson Fists so far has turned into an even better one!

Turn 2 (Crimson Fists)
Kini opts to use 2 Command Points up in order to save the Nob from dying due to morale!

Turn 2 (Crimson Fists)
Just before the morale phase, the brave Captain stands face to face with a unit of Ork Boyz. Knowing he is outnumbered heavily, he attempts to slay as many as possible. Swinging his large Power Fist into the skulls of two Orks sees them immediately removed as casualties before the Orks are given an opportunity to strike back. The Orks surround the Captain, hacking and slashing at any given part of him that they can reach. Whilst most of the strikes were simply deflected or redirected, there were those which struck the Captain full on as the Ork Boyz squad remove him from play too!

Turn 2 (Crimson Fists)
After having killed the Captain, the newly invigorated Ork Boyz look for their next target. They consolidate to the first thing in their sites, the Tactical Marines!

Turn 2 (Orks)
The now wrecked Gorkanaut’s belly is swung open after it collapses and out of it, climb Kini’s Meganobz, raring to fight! Kini had to use up a Command Point in order to reroll a 1 after having removed the Gorkanaut in order to keep one of the Meganobz alive. That wouldn’t have been a good start for the Meganobz!

Turn 2 (Orks)
The Ork Warboss raises his Big Choppa, pointing it in the direction of the Crimson Fist army, leading his Boyz to the fightin’!

Turn 2 (Orks)
All of the Grot artillery now opt to fire at the Land Raider, being the biggest target on the board. The Kustom Mega Kannons along with the regular Kannons fire in unison at the Space Marine vehicle, removing 6 wounds from it in one go!

Turn 2 (Orks)
The eager Meganobz rush into the Tactical Marine unit looking to get their Power Klaws bloodied! They take no casualties from overwatch, meaning the Marines now face a fresh unit of Meganobz. In the most violent fashion possible the Meganobz thrash their Klaws around, knocking the Space Marines over before tearing into them with their brutish weaponry, slicing through the Tactical Marines like a hot knife through butter slaughtering the entire unit. Chants and shouts are heard from the Meganobz, but they are short lived, as they quickly move on to looking for the next thing to kill!

Turn 2 (Orks)
In an unwavering fit of rage the Orks now charge into the Assault Terminators. They rear up their Storm Shields, awaiting for the oncoming blows. Luckily for the Terminators, they are able to withstand the initial blow, only losing two of their own before striking back at the Orks, killing 7 of them in return.

Turn 2 (Orks)
Seeing the already damaged Leviathan Dreadnought, Ghazghkull Thraka pushes his hordes of Orks out of his path as he rushes towards the it, looking to claim the kill for himself. Kustom Klaw wide open, he clamps a hold of the Dreadnought’s leg, slowly squeezing and tearing through it. He lets off a bellowing laughter, as if reveling in the moment. However, the Dreadnought sees this as a moment of opportunity, driving its Leviathan Siege Drill into Ghazghkull’s head, the drill heads tearing away and grinding flesh and bone alike! Despite taking no wounds itself, the Leviathan Dreadnought manages to kill the Ork Warlord in one turn of combat, leaving a bloody, headless slump on the ground that once was Ghazghkull Thraka. Slay the Warlord goes to Chris and his Crimson Fists!

Turn 2 (Orks)
The mass amount of Ork Boyz look to all get into the combat. The Warboss directs them towards the Space Marines, as they continue to push and shove each other disorderly, piling in as close as Orkishly possible.

Turn 3 (Crimson Fists)
The Land Raider Redeemer moves up towards the Ork artillery pieces, aiming at the one of the Guns armed with a Kustom Mega Kannon, the Twin Assault Cannon tearing through it, removing it from the battlefield. Unfortunately, the Flamestorm Cannons could only reach the Orks which were in combat, so that ended the Land Raider Redeemer’s shooting.

Turn 3 (Crimson Fists)
Back into the combat, Pedro Kantor and his Terminators, along with the Tactical Marines on the side manage to kill a total of 7 Orks with their combined efforts. The angered Orks then strike back, felling the remainder of the Terminators along with the Tactical Marines beside Pedro Kantor, leaving just the Chapter Master standing on his lonesome.

Turn 3 (Crimson Fists)
Having seen their Warlord slayed, the Ork Boyz swarm to the Leviathan Dreadnought, looking to overwhelm it. They begin to climb atop the walker, hacking into anything they can. After a few moments, the Dreadnought is toppled over, as all of the Orks begin to dismantle it, removing it from play as they deal the final wounds!

Turn 3 (Crimson Fists)
After ripping open the Dreadnought, the Ork Boyz consolidate into Chris’ lines, eyes set next on the Land Raider.

Turn 3 (Orks)
However, before the Boyz get the opportunity to destroy the Land Raider, the Ork artillery take aim at the huge vehicle. This time they are successful as they manage to deal the remainder of the wounds necessary to take the vehicle out of the game!

Turn 3 (Orks)
The Chapter Master sees himself surrounded by Orks and fallen Battle Brothers. Knowing his fate, he attempts to fight back and thin the horde as much as possible. He tightens his Power Fist, taking a swing at the nearby Orks. However, before he is able to strike the Orks, he is quickly mobbed and overpowered by too many Boyz as well as Nobz armed with Power Klaws, as they shred through Kantor’s armour effortlessly. The Chapter Master looks up, his life coming to an end. The sound of the Orks slamming their weapons into each other or into the ground grows as the Ork Warboss hacks violently down onto Pedro Kantor, delivering the final blow to the Chapter Master! Slay the Warlord for the Orks!

With the Orks holding 3 objectives as well as Chris only having two small units of Crimson Fists left alive, it was now impossible for him to win. The remaining Crimson Fist forces retreat, cutting their losses where they can, as an uproar can be heard from the Orks letting off shots into the sky! This has been an absolutely epic game, well played by both Chris and Kini!