Tuesday, December 19, 2017

What's On Your Table: Bretonnia Green Knight and Lady

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com

Almost done the whole army (but I’ve said that before).
Green Knight with lots of the metal etching plants and some resin base trees that came with the Lustria basing kit and bugs from the wood elves. The banner portraits were printed from GW source book(s) in B&W and then glazed over with colour. Used up some of my precious Dark Angels Geen and Green Ink from the old paint pots.

Citadel Ariel (Alarielle) “Mage Queen of Loren” was languishing in my pile of unpainted miniatures for 15+ years (circa 1999?).  Apparently one of the top 25 worst miniatures ever made, but I suspect that it was biased by Bretonnia nobles that considered her existence (as the lady) as heresy of the worst kind.  More insect bits from various kits, the new ivy from Games Workshop, and some Age of Sigmar basing. Old foot knight provided for scale next to her. A large concussive hit from her staff to the Questing Knight’s helm was enough to cloud the newly minted grail knight perception of the Lady… or maybe they were all in on it.  

Also completed a 20+ stack of battle pilgrims.  Will post next.