Friday, December 15, 2017

Sly Marbo Only Available for One Day?

This rather sucks, as Sly Marbo, a very long awaited return will only be available for a single day, otherwise you will have to wait until "later 2018". Not only that.... but the only place to get one is from a GW Store.

This means that December 26th is the only day until some undisclosed time in 2018 that you will be able to get this model. Im going to imagine it will sell out and Ebay sellers are going nuts.

via GW Coventry (it was said that some stores have received only 14 to sell.. link)

So Sly you won’t be able to find him on the webstore....
So Sly you won’t be able to find him in any independent stockists...
The only place you will be able to find him is in Warhammer and Games Workshop stores this Boxing Day!