Sunday, December 24, 2017

Update: Interesting Feedback on Nurgle Base... and More

Some added rumored bits that were placed in the comment section via Michael Tite on the validity of the Leman Russ rumored image, along with hints of something bigger with the new Nurgling....

Takes these are rumors. Its Christmas Eve, and I hope everyone has a safe and good Christmas.

Leman Russ Update:
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Michael Tite  Titus • 8 hours ago
Oh, lol, it's not. I made all of that up. Hahaha

Leman Russ
via Michael Tite in the comment sections here on Faeit 212

This is actually real. Although I don't know how the person got hold of the unit entry from March's codex..
The Dark Wolves and Leman Russ are a new faction of corrupted Khornate Wulfen. This is taken from that codex.
Other units include corrupted Wulfen Contemptor, Wulfen as infantry units, smaller wolf beasts which are scouts and much larger, mutated Wulf en which are similar in size to obliterators. They're like their terminators in the elite slot in units of 3 but without armour and bearing massive claws.
The backstory with Khorne is based on them fighting Khornate legions I'm the eye for so long and they eat them and get corrupted by the blood which has been hexed to poison them. Russ has to make a deal with Khorne to fight for them or they die. If they go too long without combat they lose wounds and this is reflected in gameplay, if they go a turn without combat they start to turn on each other and this replaces their morale mechanic. (a bit like Orks). However, if they kill one of their unit the rest of the unit get a buff.

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Michael Tite  Titus • 8 hours ago
Oh, lol, it's not. I made all of that up. Hahaha

Previously on Faeit 212

New Nurgling Comments
via Michael Tite in the comment sections of Faeit 212

Remember the MWG video? Remember the 'Easter Egg' Nurgle model on the desk.. this is it's base, it's another 'Easter Egg'.. Expect the full reveal early in the new year. :)

Previously on Faeit 212
New Nurgling revealed in Duncan in the latest painting video, which just happens to be the 300th episode.

Can you believe it?
It's Warhammer TV's 300th daily bite-sized painting video.
To celebrate, we have a special episode where Duncan paints up an unusual minion of Nurgle…
Grab your own infestation of Nurglings here: