Wednesday, September 27, 2017

War is Coming: Warmaidens & Dragonbreds

The latest Kickstarter for Shieldwolf Miniatures has passed its goal is moving forward with talks of increasing the amounts of miniatures per box and some changes that are making this look better and better. Shieldwolf has always been good about talking to the community and I thought I would include some of the latest conversation.

Shieldwolf Miniatures
$38,812 pledged of $30,000 goal
352 backers
12 days to go

"Hello everyone! 
We have been thinking of how to speed the progress since it's not as fast as we'd like it to be. We think that we have come up with a good compromise that should work well for everyone! :-) 
[Thankfully we have given this project more time than we usually dedicate to our crowdfunding projects (three weeks instead of the usual two) so we are still on great track to unlock a whole lot more] 

New Stretch Goal Order 
We have prepared new graphics to illustrate better, please have a look and I'll explain below. 

This stretch goal order ensures both good viability of the project (remember that here at Shieldwolf Miniatures we cast in-house, therefore all this will be under our complete control) and shortens the gaps in order to help make this kit a reality! :-) 
This doesn't mean that intermediate add-ons can't be inserted along the way on the road to the 60K goal. On the contrary, it's a certainty. 

Weaponry Alterations 
It has been discussed in the comment section and some forums we monitor but it is proper to write it down in an update (to make sure people see this!). 

We will be redesigning the weaponry, mainly the arm guard has caused issues -we would hate for *that* to be a deal-breaker, so we are very willing to change it. 

The beauty of crowdfunding is the interaction with the very people who help make this happen, we are very happy that you feel part of this -because, well, you are! :-D 
All this is Work in Progress and changes can be made, this is about being open and honest with each and everyone of you, so if you had missed this change regarding the weaponry please take note. :-) 

We are very interested to know what you think of this, kindly dedicate us a minute of your time to write down a comment regarding this update. 
Thank you.