Tuesday, August 22, 2017

1st and 2nd Age Army: The Seishin Preview

The Nova Open is closer and closer, and just about everything is getting wrapped up and ready to board a plane to fly across the country. The Genesys Project will have two armies there able to play and show off the game in both the 1st and 2nd Age of the Genesys Project. Yesterday we previewed the first of these, the Encryptors..... Here is their opponent... the Seishin.

Here are the Seishin Previews. I have more to show off later this week, including just how these guys work, and who they are and where they come from. (background, rules, and more miniatures)

1st Age Seishin 500pts

2nd Age Seishin 1000pts

Again, here is where the miniatures come from.
1st Age: Entirely Warlord Games.... In fact a 2,000pt army was purchased and built for $36 during one of their sale events.
2nd Age: Warlord Games + Mantic Games+ bits from Anvil Industries

Here is yesterdays post as well
This is what is going on with the Genesys Project at Nova.

First off, there will be three of us, Jason, Josh, and I will be at the Genesys Project tables demoing games and creating factions for anyone interested in stopping by. Here is where we will be, and what we will be doing there....

We are in the very center of the Vendor Hall just as you come down the escalators on your right. That means you cannot miss us, as we will have our banners up making it quite easy.

We will be running two demo tables along with sitting down and showing off just how customizable the game really is. That means you will be able to create your own faction in as little time as it takes to drink your morning coffee.

Here is what we will be doing!

  • We will be creating factions..... Lots of them.... If you are coming, simply grab your 4x6 Genesys Project Post Card in your Nova swag bag, and come talk to us. Don't worry if you dont have one, we have more, and can quickly show you the mechanics to create your own customized faction from one of the three Life Domains we are bringing with us..... Humanoids, Fey, and Reptilia
  • Two Demo Game Tables will be set up to introduce players to the game mechanics, and you can try them out for yourself. 
  • Play fully ready to go demo armies in a small demo game for the 1st Age of the Genesys Project. A small 500pt game that can be done in less than an hour. 
  • Once you've seen the armies for the 1st Age..... take your demo to the next level for a 2nd Age game. This may take a little longer, but still a quick demo, and extremely fun
  • See where the game is heading, new concepts for future releases, and when the Open Beta will be wrapped up. (yes we are on schedule)

Still uncertain what the Genesys Project is?
Total Wargame Customization. You create your faction; abilities, spells and powers, artifacts, and even Vehicle and Powered Armor customization. Your faction has never been this much under your own direction, and able to fit exactly how YOU want to play.

Create your faction, play them through the 3 Ages of the Genesys Project, or simply create the faction you want in the Age you most want to play.

The best part? We are in an Open Beta right now, so its free to register and get your own product code, and participate with your own feedback, insight, and ideas.

Learn more at http://www.thegenesysproject.com/
(note that we are updating the Open Beta rules to v3.62) so links may or may not be up yet.

If you want the latest version today, simply shoot me an email and I can hook you up with a link.