Thursday, February 16, 2017

Warhammer Quest: Shadows over Hammerhal

The Warhammer Community did a decent unboxing today (although some closer images of the sprues would of been nice, and a few shots inside the book), but I suppose they can't spoil it all.

Here is a quick brief, so head over to Warhammer Communityf or a complete showing.

via Warhammer Community

We announced this set was on its way in January, and for those of you who immediately gathered an eager party of like-minded heroes and have been waiting ever since, we’re pleased to let you know it will be available to pre-order this weekend.

The Miniatures
There are a lot of models in the set. Unlike Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower, these aren’t new single-pose models, but full unit kits.

The Chaos forces contained within are a veritable mortal army of Chaos worshipers: 10 Kairic Acolytes, 5 Putrid Blightkings, 10 Bloodreavers and a Chaos Sorcerer. Up against them, we have our heroes: Lord-Castellant, Cogsmith, Black Ark Fleetmaster, Loremaster and an ever-loyal Gryph-hound.

The Books
There are three books in the box.
The Assembly Guide has colour step-by-step instructions

The Guidebook is the adventurer’s guide to the City of Hammerhal. In there are the basic rules for the game. A 30-page, illustrated section detailing the backstory of the quest, the heroes and the mighty city of Hammerhal itself.

The final book is the Adventure book, but we didn’t look in that one, as it says “Gamesmaster’s eyes only!”

The new game. You can pre-order yours this weekend, and find it in local stores from the 25th.