Monday, February 20, 2017

Shapeshift: Never Fret About Carrying Your Miniatures Again

There is a new miniatures case system that is quite ingenius and is now out on the market. It's also not on a kickstarter, which makes it easier to jump in and get these. The new case is called Shapeshift by Phobos Foundry. We have all had models that just do not fit the standard carrying cases, where weapons get bent/broke, you have cut out the foam to fit your models (and foam trays come apart).

I just love new innovation. 

The nice thing about these trays from Phobos Foundry is they look very flexible in carrying any sort of miniatures that you need to. I definitely will be reviewing one of these tray systems very soon, so keep any eye out. I think what Phobos has done here is quite nice.  (and I can't wait to see what they do in the future especially for tanks). I will see if I can put this case to the test for some of the most awkward customized miniatures I own. (my dark eldar).