Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Games Workshop's Support for the Nova Open Charitable Foundation!

Games Workshop is officially supporting the NOVA Open Charity Raffle with Warhammer TV's Archaon model. How cool is that!. If your are not familiar with this, the Nova Open Charitable Foundation is a fantastic group that does charity raffles for professionally painted miniatures, and entire armies over several different games. 40k, Age of Sigmar,

Army Raffles

Games Workshop Sponsors NOCF with Archaon
New Sponsor! Games Workshop supports NOVA Open and the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation - Archaon Model Charity Raffle!

NOVA Open is excited to announce Games Workshop joins us as a sponsor for 2016. In addition to contributing support to the NOVA Open convention experience, we're very happy to share their donation of Wahammer TV's Archaon model (pictured below) to the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation! Click the picture below to check out GW's official Warhammer TV Facebook Page. Like them to show your support and keep track of more information as it releases! Stay tuned to both Warhammer TV and the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation for Raffle details and rules in the very near future.

Do not ever forget that the NOCF was created to represent “The Compassionate Force.” It is the mission of this non-profit to create awareness of the worldwide network of tabletop wargamers ~ among the most generous, socially conscious people on the planet. In three years, The Compassionate Force has raised over $60,000 for Doctors Without Borders, Fisher House Foundation, Breast Cancer Research Foundation and other deserving charitable organizations.

Doctors Without Borders in the News
If you've been around here on Faeit 212 for a long time, you know I am not just a news junkie, but a huge fan of Doctors Without Borders. They literally put their lives on the line to help others in need, no matter where they are. I can't say enough about this organization, and yet there are sad events going on daily where these wonderful people are killed or hurt throughout the world.

How often do you get to support a group like this, and quite possibly win an army of miniatures?

Airstrike hits Doctors Without Borders Hospital

a better written article (but I know a lot of people are biased towards their news company)