Sunday, February 28, 2016

What's On Your Table: Horus Heresy Imperial Fists

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to

First I would like to say I really enjoy the "What's on Your Table" Segments. I can't speak for others but they're one of my favorite parts of the site. Always a great way to help derive ideas and techniques for things to put into ones own bag of tricks.

That said, I would like to submit my first Entry, it's nothing overly special. I've been heavily vested into ForgeWorlds Horus Heresy expansion for a long time now and most of that time I've spent adapting my 40k Blood Ravens for use as 30k Thousand Sons which has been a lot of fun.

However lately I found myself trying out other legion rules and the Imperial Fists Stuck their claws in me and didn't let go, so having a lot of extra Resin around in the form of Unassigned Marines and tanks, and a Calth started...

Granted all of it is very much work in progress as this is my first real attempt with working with yellows in this way, Alexis Polux being probably the "Complete-est"
