Monday, December 21, 2015

Forgeworld Christmas Jigsaw Puzzle is Here... with an extra hint

This year's Forgeworld's Jigsaw is out now with it's first hint. Amazingly it looks like we have the first 3 days of hits in an image from aracerssx. If that image is correct, it does indeed look like Corax is the top contender on who this new primarch model is. However, it is still early.......

via Forgeworld
For the next few days we’ll be teasing you mercilessly by slowly revealing something that’s coming soon from Forge World... very soon! Take a look, can you guess what it is?

Any ideas? No prizes for ‘A Space Marine’, but good try. Don’t worry, tomorrow’s pieces will be much more revealing. 

via aracerssx on Warseer
FW X-mas Puzzle

... the count is on