Tuesday, September 30, 2014

What's On Your Table: Custom Sculpted Dark Eldar Models

Custom Dark Eldar models are up for What's On Your Table.

Hi natfka
Seeing all these rumours on your forum about dark Eldar has given me a good reason to get off my bottom and finish painting my small but nasty dark Eldar army

Now when I started my dark Eldar 2 years ago I was also getting into doing a wee bit more with green stuff so I decided to combine the two.

I did not have the money to get a homunculus so I decided to scratch build one and use some spare bits for the tricky parts like the head, hands and weapons,

The other chap I decided to do was a venom cannon welding dark Eldar warrior, I had a spar body from a raider and a spare cannon from the warrior kit so I just needed some legs, this was my first real scratch build and was very pleased with it.


What's on your table is an opportunity for readers to share what they are working on. Conversions, painting, batreps, even side home brew projects. If you want to Share "What's On Your Table". Please no more than 8 pics, send your project to natfka@live.com. If for any reason you do not want your name used, please say so.