Thursday, February 27, 2014

Imperial Knight Box Supply Issues

While it seems that there are some issues this time around for getting Imperial Knights to your local game stores, apparently there is another issue. Fully printed boxes are apparently gone, and many of the Imperial Knights (which appears to be exceeding expectations), will arrive in White Box kits.

Please remember that this is a rumor. We will find out in a few short days, but it appears that if you plan on going on down to your local game store to buy these models up on release day, you may want to call ahead.

If you missed today's earlier post about quantities being limited due to customs hold up.... just follow the link.

via Stickmonkey on Faeit 212
To add to the looming Imperial Knight release mess, I've heard first hand from distribution that due to demand many retailers will receive "White box" kits rather than the fully printed boxes. Fully printed boxes "should" be available by month end for these retailers.