Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What is a Tyranid Haruspex

The Haruspex has been in the rumors as a new model for Tyranids, and while we do not know if this is true yet, some of the most reliable rumors we are hearing suggest this is one of the new kits. The Haruspex had an armourcast model for it way back in the day, and even some chapter approved rules. So its time to do a little research.

Please remember that the Haruspex is only rumored, and if it does come, I am sure the model would not look like that.

via Warhammer 40k Wiki
A Haruspex is a massive Tyranid bio-form engineered specifically by the Hive Mind to serve as an assault unit. On the battlefield, a Haruspex will usually rush forward and assault the enemy's lines with its powerful but short range bio-weaponry, which includes Acid Jets, Frag Spines and the great mandibles that are capable of tearing a man in half.

Chapter Approved 2001, pg. 103

The Models from the Past. Armourcast
Here are a few pics of some of the old Armourcast models from many years ago, from the Modern Synthesist. Of course there are a lot more over there, as someone there has or had an excellent collection of these models. The best part is that I remember these models from Armourcast.

Photos taken by Mr_Pink of the late Ross Nickle/Accommodator's Haruspex