Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tyranid Rumors: Doom of Malan'tai Dead and Gone, New Box Kits

The Doom of Malan' tai is dead and gone, as are any units without a model. Dual kits listed as Harpy + something, psychic power details and more. A lot of this is coming out quickly, and this is all rather reliable.

Please remember that these are rumors. This is all rather reliable bits of information. Discuss away.

via 4chan. 
Pictures from WD will be tommorow.

Psychic Powers table: Dominion (Primaris), Psychic Scream, Warp Blast, Catalyst, Paroxysm, the Horror, Onslaught

Warriors + Prime bits (not a word about wings in a box)
Harpy + Something
Something Hungry + Something Shooty
Hive Guard + Other Known Guard

via daboarder on Bols in response to above.
ok guess I can give more info now this has dropped.

Those powers haven't changed........

yup how ****ty is that, can you imagin rolling the horror? bleah!

and zoans no longer have a base shooting power

oh and no, things without models are NOT in this codex (dont know about shrikes given the FW kit) but special character that was popular with 3rd party sculptors is dead and gone.....

Cue the cries of "the DoM was cheese anyway".....ya know, despite shriek being a primaris power for telepathy.