Friday, November 22, 2013

Dropzone Commander Official Tournament Pack, and Holiday Specials

Hawk Wargames has released its most recent newsletter which mostly contains information about its upcoming tournament in February, with links to their tournament pack. There are also some new holiday discounts that are coming, so its a great time to get into the game if you have been waiting for a deal.

Here is a link to the latest newsletter from David

Tournament Pack information'

Holiday Sales

As sad as it is, I cannot really get in too many games right for Dropzone Commander. My Scourge force which is about 2500pts has been shipped off to Blue Table Painting to get painted up. Of course it will be fun to see these, when they get back. I hope that I can get my UCM painted up myself before the Scourge Return. So soon look forward to fully painted armies hitting the tabletop, no more white and black.