Friday, July 26, 2013

Painter's Corner: An Efficient Painting Station

For those that are looking at a mountain of figures to paint, it can be a daunting task, and all too easily a few dozen or even a hundred figures can become a never-ending task. Here I will look at painting figures in a bit more of a clinical manner and less from the “I’m taking however long it takes because I’m enjoying it” standpoint. That is valid of course, it’s an enjoyable hobby and passing the time painting a figure is a delight. But when you just need to get through the rank and file, these tips could be just the thing for you.

Shawn from Blue Table Painting is here on Faeit 212, to give us some great tips for getting the job done, something that all of us at one time or another have to do. So sit down, re-organize your painting table, and lets get some models done.

Video Version

Fig. 01 Keeping the elements close together
When you set up your paint station you should be sure that all your basic elements are grouped closely together: palette, water dish, drying towel and lamp. These are the typical elements to a painting area. This is a time savings on production that is often overlooked, the actual time it takes to move your brush from one area to another. Keep it nice and tight, and have the whole operation close to the edge of the table so you can brace your hands.

Fig. 02 Brace your hands for stability
Bracing is a stabilizing technique where you put your wrists on the edge of the table. You then keep your palette and drying towel within inches so you can reach without undue movement. Further, you can also brace one hand against the other by extending a finger or two.

A disorganized paint bin can waste a ton of time over the life of your painting career, hunting and pawing for a particular paint color. Marking your paints if needed and taking out the paints you need and keeping them close can help as well. Keeping the paints close as well as in a specific order will further tighten up your operation.

Fig. 03 Disorganized Paints
Choosing a water dish has numerous factors involved including efficiency, a shallow dish is more easily reached (you don’t have to go up and over a tall lip) and a large container that holds a lot of water will require less trips to the sink for changing. Plus it is less likely to tip over.

Fig. 04 Which container is best?
Just these few techniques can save a few minutes per figure over the course of a marathon painting session and give you more time on the tabletop.