The Chaos Dragon sighted? Very possible with this from my inbox yesterday. We still on the hope that the chaos marine codex will be revealed in or about a week now as White Dwarf leaks and teasers appear. However its also possible that this will not happen til Sept 1st. Either way, Chaos is coming, and sightings are going to start occuring.
Apparently I have to say it..... The above is not an illustration of the model, and is used to simply illustrate we are discussing a mechanical dragon. I do even think this will be close to the actual model. The letter from my inbox is below....
I spoke with you a few months back regarding seeing the SM flyer in the GW warehouse in -------------. Not sure if I mentioned it or not, but in the area that we were not allowed to go in there was a larger sprue that I could not recognize. It was on a land raider sized frame and the parts were organic and mechanical looking. Non of them were in GW packaging yet either. Based off of what I have been reading, these may have been the "dragon" sprues.