Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dark Millennium Online to be Released Spring 2012

Dark Millennium Online is now "pencilled in for a ship date of Spring 2012. The long awaited MMORG set in the warhammer 40k setting is one that I have been waiting to play for years. Here is the info....

Please remember that things can change and this is still labeled a rumor.

via Inquisitor Engel
Sorry I've not be present around here for long but I've been settling into my new role as Community Manager for a rather larger video game retailer. I was sent down to GDC Online this week (so I got sent back to Austin after just leaving!) and managed to get a tiny bit of info from the very tight-lipped folks at THQ.

- Dark Millennium Online has a "pencilled-in" ship date of Spring 2012.

- Same art style as Space Marine.

- PC AND Console-based. (!!!) The Rep said it would be Cross Platform, but couldn't be 100%. I don't see why it wouldn't be (and it would hurt it if not.)

- Developed by Vigil (Darksiders) and published by THQ. Relic also has a hand in the game in many places.

- "No comment" on "Good vs Evil" lineup. A Relic employee said he was "pleased" with how the factions had been grouped, but wouldn't go further.

That's all I got! Attachment of the poster is included.