Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Forgeworld Newsflash; Exclusive Pre-Release Products Available at Games Day UK

There will be a set exclusive pre-released models sold in limited quantities from Forgeworld for those of you able to attend Gamesday UK on the 25th. The first is really just another mounted warrior, but the second is something a little more special (at least in my eyes). Take a look.

The pic above via Forgeworld:
When the eightfold storm engulfs the Warhammer world, the most violent and savage aspects of each Wind of Magic can be summoned using dark and ancient rites, and bound by Wizards into forms shaped by the Lore they serve.

The Incarnate Elemental of Beasts, designed by Keith Robertson, is a base and brutal servant-form, created to defend an Amber Wizard and destroy his foes.

Available at Games Day UK in limited numbers for £45.00, this highly detailed and immense full resin monster is the perfect centrepiece for any army.

The next is another amazingly detailed resin character model designed by the talented Edgar Skomorowski.

Border Prince, mercenary general, wanted criminal and dastardly sell-sword, Lietpold the Black, also known as Lietpold the Bloody, Lietpold Turncloak and Lietpold the Liar, is a man to whom profit is more valued than honour or loyalty.

This notorious character is perhaps the most detailed miniature yet released by Warhammer Forge. Lietpold the Black will be available from the Forge World Sales stand at Games Day UK in limited numbers, priced at £24.