Sunday, September 25, 2011

Chaos Contemptor Dreadnaught Hidden In Plain Sight

It seems the Chaos Contemptor Dreadnaught is sitting on one of these pages for the lastest Apocalypse 2nd Edition release. We have had this for a day or so and its sitting on the Forgeworld website, thanks to Jason here for pointing it out to me.

Check out the Pic above.

It may indeed be the Contemptor I have seen in the pics at Games Day UK, but the word I keep hearing is that the one at Games Day was a conversion, although at first glance they appear to be the same model.

Updated news from Games Day UK on this subject

TheMournival wrote:

Was told by FW designers that the Chaos Contemptor is 3-4 months away! A generic version will be released first, then legion/God specific versions later!

Regardless, it looks like we are going to see a Chaos Contemptor Dreadnaught soon.