Friday, February 11, 2011

Presence of Faeit "Leaked Grey Knight Pics"

Really, with all the hype of yesterday's post on the leaked Grey Knight pics, especially the Dreadknight, Im wiped. They have really defined the week in the blogosphere. If you have not seen them, they are here, or simply scroll down.

In truth I have been wanting to do an editorial piece once a week. Simply, just a brief rambling about what is being discussed both here and at the local shops. Or possibly what is on my mind, or am working on, but is not worth a full article. This is its first test run, and if it works out, I will find a slot for it once a week, probably towards the end or on the weekend. The Pics of the Week is already on Tuesday's.

"The perfect defense" I will hopefully be doing a full article on this, once I get some pics of how to deploy it. It is simply a tactic that layers your units and is set up to take on a alpha strike army at it's fullest. If you read here often, you will remember earlier in the week my posts on how I lost 900 points round 1. It will attest to lots of firepower doing nothing against a properly deployed army. Remember that Deployment is often the difference between winning and losing.

Not only am I working on that, I am also working on doing a full battle report with video. I do not like to type out a round by round narrative, so perhaps video will be a better media for me. Not being the most tech minded person, putting one together seems like a monumental task. However it cannot be that difficult, so I am planning on doing one perhaps next Saturday when I get my rematch against those pesky Night Lords.

I also have been giving a lot of thought to delivery systems in my dark eldar armies. By that I mean ways to get archons and incubi into battle reliably. The Raider is fast, and will get you there, provided that it is not shot down, immobilized, stunned or to sum it up, not shot at. The options really are on foot, raider/venom, or webway portal. I have been having an inner debate over this issue and will test it's results out next weekend.

Regarding the Grey Knight models, I am still holding my breath on my opinion of them. I think the army looks great in general, with what it looks like dramatic poses on the terminators, and lots of stormravens. The Dreadknight, well, it seems to fit a concept for me, but I will wait for a better pic before I come to a conclusion. The stormraven has kind of warmed up to me, so it is quite possible we are just over set in our ways, and see new models as almost all bad.

Otherwise, tonight is my monthly "game night". It means people over til 3-5am. So I will be tired, and busy this weekend.