Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Next Dark Eldar Release (Voidravens, Talos, Beastmasters and more..)

Although posted as news, I am going to take these as rumors until I hear something a little more solid. I am excited about this release, as I will get to finally see something for the models I want to field. I hate testing out models with proxies. Take everything with a grain of salt.

This is a list of what Hastings has reported as confirmed (definitely more to come, on the metal side anyway).

Plastic Kits
Talos and Cronos box.
Voidraven and "other aircraft" box (I'm assuming the Razorwing).

Metal Kits
Clawed Fiends.
Razorwing Flocks.

Some bad news on the Wracks, Wracks are metal, I assume these are part of this wave though this isn't confirmed: March or April seems the timeline for these models.