Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Game Stores in 2011

2010 is almost done and I will be re-doing game store reviews coming up in the new year. The plan is to re-visit each one and see what they are doing in the 40k community. If I get the chance I will also visit a couple new store locations, and possibly even get out of the Portland Area for a few regional reviews. If you play a local store, or one in the Portland Area and want your store to be next on the review, drop me an email and we can see about getting it done.

I do not use this blog as a soap opera, nor am I a Drama Queen, so if you find your store listed and don't feel it was a good representation of what goes on there, by all means drop me an email for a second chance review. I may also be doing featurettes on local shops that are willing.

Last thing. Most of the people that come to this blog are not local to me. If you want to put together a set of non-drama oriented reviews of your local watering holes, send me an email and we can work together to add them to the project.

This project will be ongoing, and will take a bit to accomplish, but Im game. Nothing like an excuse to get some more 40k in.