Monday, November 29, 2010

House Rules. How To Use Them and How Not To.

House Rules are changes or add on's to the rules that are usually done at a location. There is a lot of mis-read rules out there, just as there is some forum junkies with some crazy rule interpretations. If there are rules mistakes in a friendly game, who really cares. If the issue cannot be resolved immediately fix it later with a rules discussion afterwards. If the conflict comes up in a tournament, well, that's what there are judges for. Accept the ruling of the judge, and if they really are wrong, you can prove it to them later.

The following event happened recently to a friend of mine in a recent game, so I thought I would share my thoughts on house rules.

He started a normal game, and part way through the Imperial Guard player was adamant that his Company Command Squad could give themselves an order while still inside their chimera. When questioned and the rule pointed out to him, he declared that it was a house rule with several of the people watching the game (his friends) agreeing that it was indeed a house rule, because it just makes sense they should be able to receive their own orders. Other issues came up later, as the same player was having his guys inside shooting while the vehicle popped smoke. What happened was that my buddy just went with the table consensus and finished the game.

When he called me, I simply clarified what he already knew about the rules they were using. Then what I told him is a couple things.

First off, if there are special house rules that change or add rules they should be clear at the beginning of the game. Declaring house rules on the fly really is not nice. If they are really house rules, and are not posted somewhere, your opponent should really be made aware of any that your army will be using.

Second. Declaring house rules during the game really is cheating. I understand accidents, but it is really hard to play a friendly game if both players are using different rules. If you don't declare them to your opponent, don't use them that game. Don't enforce house rules on your opponent if he wasn't made aware of them. Back off and play according the rules.

Third. Stop trying to cheat. If someone is new to your store, you are not giving it a good image. Your local 40k players are the people you generally should be accepting to. Play hard, but don't bend the rules when they suit you.

Last but least. Remember that when you are playing for fun, you are playing for fun. Playing hard competitively or not, if someone really is cheating and pulling a lot of crap, don't be afraid to just pick up your models. There really is no reason to spend the next 3 hours pissed off playing a game with someone that is either blatantly cheating, or a dozen other ridicules things you sometimes have to go through. I myself have never yet done this, but I am not above it and reserve the right to refuse to play with someone. I'd rather stop the game and get in another game with someone else.