Monday, November 22, 2010

Games Day 2011

Games Day 2011 now has confirmed dates in the following countries, US, France, Australia, Italy, and Spain. Even though we got hosed today on Blood Angels information, we did get confirmed dates on Games Days.

Tickets go on sale in both France and the US over the next few weeks. Here is the news release via GW.

If you have never attended Games Day then make sure 2011 is your year. Games Day is the biggest annual event in the Games Workshop calendar. Every year we run several Games Days across the world and thousands of excited hobbyists travel from miles around to attend. The event is a celebration of the Games Workshop hobby and it is a fantastic opportunity for you to play in massive multi-player games; meet the people who design Citadel Miniatures and write the rulebooks; buy lots of great new kits and, of course, enter Golden Demon - the greatest miniature-painting competition on Earth.

The great news is that over the next few weeks Games Day tickets start to go on sale in the USA and France and we didn't want you to miss out. Even bigger news is that Games Day will be returning to Australia in 2011 and oh my, what a venue they have chosen.

Games Day USA will be held in Chicago on July 30th 2011. Tickets go on sale on November 26th. That's this Friday.

Games Day France will be held at Le Parc Floral de Paris on 22nd May 2011. Tickets go on sale on December 1st.

Games Day returns to Australia on October 1st 2011. The event will be held at the Australian Technology Park in Sydney. While the picture is not of Games Day we thought the venue was so cool we just had to show you a picture of it. Tickets go on sale on March 1st.

Games Day Italy and Spain have confirmed their Games Days too. Games Day Spain will be on July 3rd 2011 and Italy will be on October 16th 2011.