Friday, February 3, 2023

Horus Heresy Rumors: New Boxset and Indomitus Pattern Armor

Here is a set of rumors to take a look at for the Horus Heresy.

via a solid source on Faeit 212

I have some news for Horus Heresy.

  • No Assault or Breacher or otherweise Close Combat Infantry before Summer.
  • New Terminators of the Indomitus Pattern which can be used for 40k (option for Crux Terminatus on shoulder pads or without them). Seperate Sprue/Box for Close Combat Weapons
  • New Terminator Praetor with Indomitus Pattern Armour in Plastic, which comes with parts to show chaos influences and could maybe used as a Chaos Lord in 40k.
  • New "two Armies" Box Set in August with MkII Power Armour and a complete new close combat Dreadnought Pattern.

Also for those that don't track what Indomitus Pattern Armor is. Found this. 
As the cost of the galactic civil war mounted, it became necessary to develop expedient solutions to plug gaps that had formed in Legionary arsenals due to losses, or simply to increase the number of serviceable troops in any region, in order to overwhelm the highly capable enemy forces that operated within them. To do so often meant compromise, since the resources in both time and materiel to produce the equipment previously relied upon by the Legiones Astartes was simply not available. Indomitus pattern Terminator armour was the result of such a compromise, offering neither the outright protection of the Cataphractii suits nor the technological advances of the Tartaros pattern armour, but instead promising plentiful supply and less reliance on costly and increasingly sparse resources.