Sunday, June 5, 2022

What's On Your Table: Avatar of Khaine and Wardog

The What's On Your Table series is needing your work to inspire and show others what people of all skill levels are doing in the hobby. To participate and get your work shown here, submit up to 8 pictures or a short video to

We will be doing a Summer June- August submit to win a gift card to the game company of your choice with the winner chosen at random. Depending upon the number of submissions we will may add additional gift cards. 

I have the new avatar of khaine with a dead black templar and a wardog I am working on as part of a commission for a friend of mine. 

The avatar is the only new eldar model I bought when the recent codex came out as his father [the metal/finecast one] is so tiny now it's funny. The avatar is painted up to match my craftworld and the dead black templar is a nod to one of my regular opponent's forces. (the black templar comes from the maleceptor kit)

As for the wardog it is part of a commission I am doing for a friend of mine. Due to this I used a paint list provided by my friend and despite being colours I would never normally use the results are quite nice. (Armour is turbo dork molten mantle, the trim is GW retributor armour, Vallejo Metallic Blue for the energised parts, GW runelord brass for the pistons and GW leadbelcher for a spot colour.)  I still need to paint the missiles and bird before some wash passes and basing get handled. 

- Kenneth