Monday, May 23, 2022

Rotmire Creed Carrion Catcher

Warcry has a new reveal out today, the Rotmire Creed Carrion Catcher. That hook at the end of the weapon says it all!

via WarCom

In the Realm of Beasts, between Gallet and Thondia, nestles a hellhole known as the Gnarlwood. This inhospitable forest is full of carnivorous critters and flesh-eating flora, and it’s the stage for the latest round of blood-slicked Warcry skirmishes – and home to colourful characters such as this Rotmire Creed Carrion Catcher.

Those stilts suggest he might spend a lot of time lurking in the swamps to the north of the Gnarlwood, and the green moss he’s taken for camouflage has a putrescent feeling.

The Rotmire Creed are currently embroiled in a running battle with the Horns of Hashut, attempting to prevent the fires of industry reaching the woods of Ghur and burning down their nice wet swamp.