Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Tyranid Hyper-Adaptation Reveals

Tyranid Hyper-Adaptations are new rules allowing you to adjust and adapt in game to your opponents.

via WarCom

The new Codex: Tyranids is available to pre-order from Saturday. We’ve seen how Synaptic Imperatives let you channel the Hive Mind’s alien will, and dissected a few of the buffs in store for the largest and the smallest bioforms. Now, we’re looking at Hyper-adaptations, a unique and thematic rule that lets you adapt your whole army to counter your opponent, even after both players have deployed.

Each hive fleet has evolved differently throughout their galactic eating binges, developing its own Hive Fleet Adaptations to defeat ever-tougher foes. For example, Hive Fleet Jormungandr specialises in burrowing organisms, creating Tunnel Networks to launch devastating assaults on its enemies.