Thursday, April 21, 2022

Taking Armiger Class Squires- Knightly Teaching Rules

The new Imperial Knight codex will be coming with a lot of new surprises. One of these is Knights with the keyword MENTOR can take squires (Armigers) and to give them bonuses. 

via WarCom

The Knight Preceptor strives to set an example for younger comrades – as such, it has the MENTOR keyword, and can pick three Knightly Teachings from a list of six. Each Preceptor can recount up to two of its teachings in your Command phase, rolling a D6 for each – on a roll of 3+, that teaching was inspiring enough to light a fire in the souls of their ARMIGER-CLASS squires.

Codex: Imperial Knights contains three more Knightly Teachings to unlock the full potential of your smallest giant war-engines. Combined with everything else these chivalric warriors can bring to the table, you’ll have more than a fighting chance against the Dread Households.