Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Tyranids: Parasite of Mortrex Reveal

Parasite of Mortrex is here and it sounds nasty. Really hoping to see a lot more Tyranid players around. 

via WarCom

Bringing new life into the world is never easy – unless you’re a Tervigon – and the Parasite’s victims can suffer mortal wounds round after round as newborn Rippers gnaw their way out of enemy hosts. It gets worse – these literal stomach bugs will also itch any survivors into such a frenzy that they lose their Objective Secured ability.

This ability makes the Parasite of Mortrex more than just a horrifying annoyance – it can swoop behind enemy lines to infect units parked on vital objectives, replacing whole squads with fresh Ripper Swarms that can claim the battlefield for the Hive Mind.