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Kill Team's next expansion is Nachmund and with the release of Corsair miniatures in it, it is going to be very popular.

via WarCom

Kill Team: Nachmund
Kill Team: Nachmund sees the Aeldari Voidscarred Corsairs take on the might of the Chaos Space Marines. This box is packed with new rules, missions, terrain, and miniatures that make up two full teams of special operatives equipped with a variety of weapons and wargear. 

Voidscarred Corsairs and Chaos Space Marine Legionaries Dice Sets

T’au Empire Pathfinders and Adepta Sororitas Novitiates
The kits from the Kill Team: Chalnath boxed set will also be available to pre-order separately next week. The T’au Pathfinders and Adepta Sororitas Novitiates*

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