Friday, September 3, 2021

What's On Your Table: Renegade Templars

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Renegade templars last submission. 

These guys were fun in that I had an unassembled box of mk3 marines and a bunch of starter set AOD khorne guys. The mk3 chain swords were very handy as long as you're happy to ignore the lopsided motor where it's meant to attach to a marine! (Better believe I was!)

Basically every khorne guy was cut in half and either got a marine torso or marine legs.
Some press mould khorne tabards helped hide the odd proportions enough and then on to speed painting.
They're not going to win any awards but as at least make a cohesive and I think novel force. 

Kharn counts as and daemon prince have already had a showing, but the counts as berserkers are all new. 
They basically fall into 3 main categories:
Marines with missing armour
AOS normies-marines 50/50 
AOS jacked guys with added backpacks and chain swords.

Happy with the success of 'mass production' from these guys.

One unpainted guy to go made from an exalted champion and templar torso, helmet and back pack, shows the rough steps all if them went through of change from ordinary, re-pose, make taller. 
