Thursday, July 8, 2021

What's On Your Table: Fun With Basing


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Like many of you I have a tone of my old mini marines based on the old 25mm bases and when my family went on holiday I decided it was long overdue to upgrade them to the new 32mm bases, I also decided to try and  try and make them more like my primaris marines but I could not work miracles with these old paint jobs lol

I had been thinking about how to do it for some time, a little planning was needed as I had almost 150 to do.

I decided to get me some bases from ebay, I did think of getting some adaptors but they really needed new bases as I had made a bit of a mess of it in the past.

In the end I used textured paint (I found that if I applied some to one base I could press other basses to that one and spred it over 4-6 in quick order) and then using my air brush and home made stencils from cereal box I managed to get 150 bases painted in an hour. You could use spray cans if you dont have an airbrush.

A little dirty wash, a dry brush and a splash of black paint around the rim finished them off nicely.

For the marines it was mainly just a case of applying some shades and black paint to make them not so shiny, oh and adding pistol holsters.

The hardest part was getting the little darlings off there old bases, gald it is all done know and I can move onto my next project.

There are a few progress pictures, a before and after pic of one of the squads as well as the whole lot of them together.

