Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Rumors: Horus Heresy and the Age of Darkness- Release Date!!!

A Wrap of previous rumors plus a little bit more is added including a release window of November of this year! Very exciting for a end of year set of releases.

via Admiral_SKK on Reddit
  • New "Edition" in Nov 2021
  • GW will overtake Horus Heresy as a "new" System from FW
  • Own Ruleset like the last one from FW, not a 9th Edition 40k adaption like many guess
  • Many new Plastic Sets are planned to replace FW Resin Models which will be also useful with 40k Armies
  • GW will overtake the Decals for all 18 Legions, Characteres and very Legion specific Stuff remains with FW
  • As a new Main System, Horus Heresy Story will expanded with Themed Expansions like the "Warzone" Books in 40k - the reboot beginns with the Battle for the Sol System, later they will revisit earlier "Warzones" like Istvaan III, Istvaan V, Prospero, Tallarn ect. with focus on certain Factions
  • Warzone Expansions replace the "Black Books" permanently
  • Horus Heresy is planned over many Years and will also Expanded into a "Age of Darkness" Game with multiple Setting, including the Scourge or the Great Crusade (see The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit as "Middleearth" SBG)