Wednesday, May 26, 2021

What's On Your Table: GC Aberrants, AT Titans, and DA Land Raider Redeemer


What's On Your Table- Submit what is on your hobby table
Up to 8 images or a short video to show what you have on your table to

Hi Natfka, just thought I'd share my latest projects. Having completed my Genestealer Cult Aberrants it was back to some other projects. My Adeptus Titanicus Titans were next on my list. However, I'm really struggling trying to match my Reaver to the Warhound that I've already done. It's at times like these where indecision can completely stall my hobby momentum. 

So, to avoid becoming bogged down with these problems I switched to my Dark Angels Deathwing Land Raider Redeemer. Ironically this is a project I had been avoiding for the very same reasons I've jumped from the Titans. But I had momentum and I managed to get past the highlighting stage and star on the weathering - a mix of sponging and painting scratches individually. It's important to find a way to always keep hobbying...

Things are really starting to come together on this now, so I'll need to get some other projects lined up for when the Land Raider is finished off. Perhaps my Ravenwing Talonmaster or back to Blood Bowl Halflings...

All the best
