Monday, May 24, 2021

Visions of Beasts – Part 7

Day 7 for Visions of Beasts. I did miss yesterday's in the chaos of a Sunday morning, so Ive included it here.

via WarCom

My lord,

I now embrace the sleepless nights, for my mind swims in a sea of endless possibility. My restlessness is eased by the knowledge that, come the dawn, the engine surges with power, and I can activate it once again.

‘N’ was the rune revealed to me this morn, forming ‘THON’ when added to the letters shown thus far. The realmstone that remained once the engine’s cloying cloud dispersed had this image captured within it.

AoS RumourEngine7 May24 Image

Once again, I am struggling to make sense of the machine’s offerings. I shall console myself by continuing to monitor the temporal anomaly, for the consistency of its motion brings me a modicum of peace while my mind whirls.

       –  Lord-Ordinator Verrinus Longsight
 DAY 6- 
My lord,

Sleep escaped me entirely last night. The riddle of the visions I had seen played over and over in my mind, and the nauseous stench of swamp gas plagued my nostrils. I resolved myself to activate the machine (which I now firmly believe to be some form of prescient generator) at first light.

Having fiddled with the array of levers and dials in a bid to generate a different vision, I was rewarded by a vaporous visage in the form of an ‘O’ rune, and left in possession of a celestium shard depicting this image.

AoS RumourEngine6 May23 Image

‘THO’. The lands of Ghur are so vast and varied, that this cryptic location remains a mystery to me. As for the image itself, I can only hazard a guess as to what dangers we may yet face. For now, I shall continue my studies of both this machine and the temporal anomaly that always occupies my thoughts.

       – Lord-Ordinator Verrinus Longsight