Friday, May 21, 2021

The Holy Orders of the Adeptus Mechanicus

Taking a look into the Holy Orders of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

via WarCom

It will come as no surprise that, in an organisation as scientifically curious as the Adeptus Mechanicus, some Tech-Priests arise with a particularly sharp set of skills in one field of study. These individuals are often inducted into the ranks of the Holy Orders, specialised departments dedicated to the mastery of one pursuit above all others.

By paying a nominal cost in points or Power Level, your Tech-Priest models can hail from one of four Holy Orders. Far from just being a flavourful footnote,* each Order provides two specialised skills to further customise the leaders of your army.

The first skill allows you to lower the Command points cost of a critical Stratagem when you need it most, with each Holy Order dedicated to their own code of war. The Magi, for instance, are a dab hand at accomplishing Epic Deeds.