Friday, April 23, 2021

What's On Your Table: Dark Eldar Court

What's On Your Table- Submit what is on your hobby table
Up to 8 images or a short video to show what you have on your table to

Due to the new dark eldar codex coming out I fancied adding some lady's to my Archons courts. Did not fancy paying a tone of money for the proper min so I got a different min from mantic to use for the basis of 5 of them and then a little more sculpting for the 6th, combine that with the bits box and saved a tone of money and had fun at the same time.
I have included a pic of the min I used for the converting.

I went for 6 so I can mix and match them about in to smaller units or just on big unit.

Hope this helps inspire you chaps to try something similar your self.

