Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The Sinister Sculpts of Archvillian Games


The Tome of Demons Vol 1 is coming in January to Archvillian Games's Patreon for 3D Printing. This is another crazy release from Archvillian which is quickly showing itself over the last several months to be what I consider the top sculptors of the 3D printing Patreons. 

Most of the sculpts they are putting out come in several different poses which makes them incredible for both rpg miniature gaming and tabletop wargaming. Serious props to these guys!

Lets preview January's Tome of Demons Vol 1..... you'll be dying in anticipation for what Vol 2 might bring.

Recall Archvillian's November's Decent into Madness (Mind Flayer type release) as well as their Unholy Night December release. 


Cannot wait to get this release!