Sunday, December 27, 2020

Geargut's Mekshop- A Huge Selection of Miniatures or Stls

Found Geargut's Mekshop on Patreon today. Really an amazing Patreon for Ork/Orc or Gobbie players. Every month is big list of releases and variants for both vehicles, infantry, and meks. Unlike other Patreons though releases come throughout the month until the end of the month were you can download everything together. 

Here is a look at December Releases that are still downloadable for a few more days, making it a great time to jump in if you are wanting to all these files (for $10).

I had seen Geargut's before, but now that they are Patreon I feel like I can get some of the miniatures for printing!

Geargut's monthly Patreon releases are extremely prolific. Any interest in Orks or that type of miniature genre is likely to get you all excited for how much they release. 

Geargut's Mekshop also sells their miniatures on their online store. 

Patreon Monthly 3D Printable Stl Files

Online Store- Both Miniatures and/or 3D Print files.