Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Incredible 3,000pts Adeptas Sororitas Army Can Be Yours

Did I mention that there is an incredible 3,000pt Sisters of Battle/Adpetas Sororitas army up for grabs on the NOCF Raffles this year? See the full 3,000pt list below of what is in this amazing raffle.

There are an incredible number of armies up for the fall raffles over on NOCF and that doesn't even include the Warlord Titan or Chaos Knight that are also on there. Its just crazy what you can win here and remember, its all for charity. 

Spend as little as $10 and get in your chance to win one of these great offerings for charity.

You can participate anywhere in the world and shipping is free. (as long as you have a deliverable address)

Get your tickets here

3000-Point Army

1x Celestine
2x Geminae Superiors
1x Canoness
1x Missionary (Conversion)
1x Triumph of Saint Katherine
1x Junith Eruita
1x Tariana Palos
20x Arco-Flagellants
10x Celestians
10x Dominions
10x Sisters Repentis Squad
2x Hospitallers
1x Dialogus
1x Imagifier
10x Zephyrim
30x Battle Sisters
10x Seraphim
10x Retributors
2x Penitent Engine
1x Exorcist
2x Anchorites
6x Mortifiers
2x Immolators
1x Rhino