Tuesday, September 22, 2020

What's On Your Table: Dark Angels

Get Involved and show us What's On Your Table: Submit up to 8 images or a short video to natfka@live.com

I’ve been meaning to send these in for a while now.  The small force is coming together nicely (in my humble opinion).  I haven’t decided on a basing technique yet, but I think I’ll save that for when I have to do the entire completed army all at once.

The converted Sammael was originally done for a friend, who was collecting Dark Angels at the time, but its since been given back.  A blessing in disguise as I wasn’t looking forwards to doing the whole conversion rigmarole again.  Its also why none of Sammael’s colours match the rest of the army.

If anyone wants a painting guide to my Dark Angels, just leave a comment and I’ll send one in.
My photography skills leave much to be desired, sadly.
Hope everyone who visits the site is having a good hobby year!
