These really are some of the best goblins around and they won't cost ya more than a Forgeworld Titan to get a horde of them! Mantic hits it out of the park with their new army additions for Kings of War.

via Mantic

Goblin Mega Army 2020    

The only thing more dangerous than a small Goblin army is a Goblin horde. When a Biggit gets important enough to rally this many Goblins to his banner, he becomes a force to be reckoned with, their numbers serving to offset their natural cowardice as well as overwhelm the enemy under a swarming tide of vicious, stabby little bodies.

Please note this is a pre-order and is due to begin shipping from the 12th of October 2020.

  • 80 hard plastic Goblin infantry (build Rabble, Spitters or Sharpsticks)
  • 16 hard plastic Mawpups
  • 6 PVC plastic Trolls
  • 10 PVC plastic Fleabag Riders
  • 1 metal goblin King
  • 1 PVC plastic Giant

Goblin Army 2020   $89.99

Goblin armies are made up of disparate clans from across Pannithor, typically brought together by the delusions of an individual goblin determined to rise to the lofty position of the goblin king. Goaded and pushed into battle by their superiors, what goblins (severely) lack in training and tactics, they make up for in sheer strength of numbers.

Please note this is a pre-order and is due to begin shipping from the 12th of October 2020.


  • 40 hard plastic Goblin infantry (build Spitters, Rabble or Sharpsticks)
  • 8 hard plastic Mawpups
  • 1 PVC plastic Goblin Mincer
  • 1 metal Goblin Biggit
  • 6 PVC plastic Trolls

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