Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Less than 48 Hours Left- Modular 3D Printable Sci-fi Terrain STL


A very cool Kickstarter is about to end for a tremendous amount (tables worth) of 3D printable terrain. This would allow you to create a table worth of terrain incredibly inexpensively with tons of flexible options for gaming. Definitely worth getting now... even if you are just planning on getting a 3D printer.

<iframe width="520" height="293" src="https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/corvusgamesterrain/isolation-protocol-modular-3d-printable-sci-fi-terrain/widget/video.html" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"> </iframe>

$30,457 pledged of $1,167 goal
446 backers
44 hours to go

There are tremendous numbers of options to print up here. Check out the stretch goals and more.